The Park Forest Preschool is a nonprofit, tuition-free school for two, three, and four-year-old children from income qualifying families. We offer a comprehensive program that includes education, social skills, and developmental motor skills taught by qualified teachers in a friendly, safe environment. We provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch daily. In each classroom there is one lead teacher and one to two teacher aides, providing additional attention.
Classes meet from 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. from September to December and from January to May.
The school also provides the following services to students and their families:
- Health screenings–medical, dental, vision, developmental and speech
- Clothing bank for the children
- Holiday food and gift boxes
- Emergency funds
- Weekly parenting classes
Visit our classrooms by clicking on the top menu or get involved by becoming a volunteer or financial contributor.
Check back often for updates on how our children are growing and learning!