Welcome to the Three and Four Year Old Classrooms
The Butterfly and Monkey Rooms

In these mixed-age classrooms one head teacher and an assistant work with the children.  Our goal is to provide a loving and secure environment where we encourage the development of each child’s positive self-image and social skills.

Girl spelling her name with playdough

Through hands-on activities we build on the foundation laid by the two year old Penguin class the previous year by:

  • Further developing the learning of colors and shapes
  • Increasing literacy through finger plays, rhymes, books and songs
  • Recognizing letters, printing letters, writing each child’s name, phonics
  • Developing fine and gross motor skills through a variety of activities
  • Providing ample opportunity for imaginative play
  • Improving social skills such as cooperation, taking turns and being a friend
  • Developing math skills such as counting and sequencing


We create opportunities for each child to feel success by emphasizing their strengths and abilities.