Your Help is Needed – Consider Volunteering or Contributing Financially

Volunteers make a difference at the Park Forest Preschool.  The school depends on the financial gifts and volunteer help of people like you.  You gifts will make a difference in the life of a child.  Send us an email at or call our office (814-231-8492) if you would like to talk more about volunteering.

Consider how you might brighten a child’s life.

Woman volunteer helping childBe a financial contributor – You may contribute individually or through your church, business, or civic organization.  All gifts are fully tax-deductible and will be used to support programs that directly help children and their families–providing classroom materials, furnishings, emergency assistance, and salaries for our teachers, classroom aides, and other staff.

Be a Classroom Helper– Work directly with the children and watch with joy as they develop.  Personal attention by adults encourages children to grow and blossom.  If you can’t commit to being a one-time a week helper, you can also volunteer to substitute occasionally for our regular classroom volunteers.

Be a Cook’s Helper– Help our cook prepare and serve breakfast or lunch one day each week.  If you can’t commit to being a one-time a week helper, you can also volunteer to substitute occasionally for our regular cook’s helper volunteers.

Be an In-Kind Donor– Be one of the individuals or groups that provide food, clothing, and gifts for the children and their families at Christmas.

Our children need your help.  Won’t you consider being a supporter of the Park Forest Preschool?

Contact our director to volunteer today!

Volunteer training guidelines: